
菲去旅行2015 (2)

这是朋友极力推荐菲律宾拥有最美风景的 Starbucks。此去路途遥远,朋友都已累得在 jeepney 车上睡着了。同行的朋友没有多少位咖啡控,谢谢他们依然陪我同行。回想起来,还是蛮感动的。

This Starbucks located at Batangas, Manila Philipines was strongly recommended by my friends. It's quite far from the Manila town. My friends was slept inside the jeepney because we woke up at the earlier morning 4:30am and really energy exhausted. My friends are not coffee lover, but still brought me there. I'm so touched with their accompaniment.

#ManilaTrip #StarbucksBatangas #Throwback #WithCSfriends #I'mCoffeeLover — at Starbucks Philippines.

菲去旅行2015 (一)

#ManilaTrip #Sunset #ManilaBay